
Community Dev Newsletter

Discoverability and TikTok SEO ✨ Community Dev Newsletter #16

Published 12 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

Community Dev Newsletter



Whoa, new format to the newsletter! I'm testing out what I like, so I guess you're part of my little science experiment hehe. :)

Speaking of experiements, I've been playing around with discoverability and SEO. TikTok has slowly been taking over Google searches for younger gens, but why does this matter for you and your game?

Well - it gives you more tools for your toolkit! It's no secret a ton of indie devs have talked about how great TikTok has been for discoverability, but how do we ~*optimize*~ it?

I tested out TikTok algorithm things and wrote about it, so here's my full breakdown of tips on TikTok discoverability, SEO, what it means, and how we do it.

Community Activity πŸ“

Every month we do a new community together. Here's the latest one!

The question:

Where do you find influencers, and how do you judge whether they receive a key or not?

Feel free to email me back with your answer - I always respond to them! My answer will... not be in the next newsletter! GASP. But that's because the next newsletter's question will be answered by our first ever newsletter guest Clara Sia, New Biz + Senior Influencer Strategist at Devolver. Excitingggg.


Previous Community Activity πŸ“«

Here was the question from last month.

Question refresher:

How do you welcome someone new to your Discord or community and onboard them to make them feel welcome?

My response: There is no "perfect" template to welcome in a community member, because it depends on the kind of community you're building up, your resources, and the size of your community. Plus, everyone has a different preference! Some prefer introduction channels, games, daily optional questions to answer, etc.

Above all, the core of these things is:

  • Relatively fast response. When someone first joins a Discord and decides to talk (by saying "hi" or whatever else), having someone engaged and tlaking to them is the best way to make them feel welcome!
  • Action. If there is something someone can do immediately when joining, that's great! It doesn't need to be an introduction channel - it can be a question of the day, a beta sign up, something like that.
  • No pressure. Don't pressure them to respond! Some people are lurkers and that's okay.
  • Easy access. Simple navigation to the topic they're most interested in is a great way to get them engaged.

And one of our newsletter readers RenΓ©e stepped in for a great response on this one too!

"The Discord of /r/unexpected (called "Unexpected Friends", a social server that has basically nothing to do with the subreddit other than its name) has a really nice middle-ground where upon joining you can choose to opt-in for the welcome committee. This has a bot announce your entrance in the general chat and pings people with the welcome committee role. I tried this, it's really nice! [..] Ultimately you make people feel welcome if you involve them in what your community does, invite them (or allow them to invite themselves) to games, or conversations, or things like that."

I love having other perspectives and experiences in this newsletter, so thank you to everyone who takes the time to reply.

Community Chatter πŸ’¬

Here are the interesting and helpful things I've seen this month.

General News

Games Resources

Community & Marketing Game Jobs​
These are not endorsements.

So I guess we're officially halfway through the year?? Man. Time really do be moving forward. Who knew aging would apply to me.




Thanks for reading! If you loved it, please feel free to share it with others.
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Community Dev Newsletter

Success through shenanigans with community management.

Hi, I'm Victoria! Join my Community Dev Newsletter for insight into games marketing, social, and community management. Get actionable tips, a skill testing question, and a roundup of resources straight to your inbox every month.

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